Online Coaching Application Form



Home Phone:          

Work Phone:         

Date of  Birth:         

Drivers License #:   


Would you consider being an assistant coach:    

Grade you would like to coach:   

Grade second choice:                 


I understand that the following duties and responsibilities are assigned to coaches by the Board of Directors and I agree to fulfill each to the best of my abilities:

1.) I will be responsible for directing the team during practices, at games, and all other functions the team is involved in. I will be responsible for appropriate behavior of the team in public places, while in the uniform, or any time the team represents the association.
2.) I will model appropriate behavior, e.g. be courteous and display positive attitudes for my team, opposing teams, officials and spectators.
3.) I will attend registration and be responsible for players
4.) I will be responsible for the team discipline and safety
5.) I will promote and develop good sportsmanship and team unity
6.) I will be responsible for all provided team equipment and uniforms
7.) I will follow all approved Association rules and strive to become familiar with the state of Idaho High School Football 
8.) Regulations. I will teach these rules to each team member.
9.) I will be responsible to inform all team members of all dates and times of team and Association functions.
10.) I will be responsible to conduct a parent/coaches meeting, prior to the first game of the season.
11.) I will void from using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in the presence of my team.

This agreement is subject to Board approval. In addition, my signature authorizes the Jr. Tackle Football Association to conduct a confidential, background investigation prior to my approval for coaching.

I will allow Coeur d'Alene Junior Tackle Foootball to do a background check on my information.

You will be notified by the Association after the Board meeting at which the coaching positions are filled. 

Date_Today:    MM/DD/YY

I agree to the above items.     
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